
Submission Guidelines:

KL does not charge a fee for submitting. As such, we cannot afford to pay a monetary sum to any of our contributors at this time.

Electronic submissions only, please.

For literature submissions, please visit here to submit.

  • Poetry: 3–7 poems.
  • Fiction and Non-Fiction: 10–15 pages, double-spaced in 12 point font.
  • Collaboration: 5–10 pages.

For visual art submissions, send the files in JPEG (.jpeg) format, in addition to a short cover letter, including contact information and bio in in the body of the email.  Include in the subject your name and the genre of your submission as follows: “First Name, Last Name: Genre.”

  • Visual Art: 1–5 works.  (Note: visual art submissions will be considered for cover art and/or the online format of the anthology)

Reading Period: August 15, 2011 – January 15, 2012

Rights: Previously published works are fine, as long as the rights are reverted back to you. By submitting you are allowing KL to reproduce your work. Not all submissions may be featured in our print / online mediums.

Contact Information:
For more information, please email editors Rachelle Cruz and Melissa Sipin at kuwentoforlostthings [at] gmail [dot] com.